Tiger Party Prep: Progress!

Preparations are humming along!

Mandarin orange cups turned tiger:


Mandarin orange cups + googly eyes + Sharpie!   I flipped the orange cup upside down, used a low-temp hot glue gun to stick the eyes on, and then traced the indentations on the bottom with the black Sharpie marker.  I added a nose, mouth, and whiskers, and was finished!  Simple and festive.  Inspired by Carla Matzo.

Plain party hats turned tiger with just a black Sharpie:

Tiger Striped Party Hats DIY

I’ve tucked the animal print notebooks tucked into the mini tiger bags, and finished the tiger colored pencil rolls, another project from the new book Never Been Stitched.  Pictures and a few more details about those coming up!

Tomorrow begins my giveaway of the new book full of no-sew and low-sew projects, Never Been Stitched!

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